Weekly Workout Recap: Things to be Thankful for…

By far Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it’s not all about the presents, but more so about gathering and enjoying the company of family and friends with TONS of food. What’s not to love?! And this year was no different. J and I had both of our families in town and cooked (and ate) way too much food!

And despite the holiday and family being in town for much of the week, I still was thankfully able to make my way to Bar Method. Here was my week:

Monday – Level 1 – Bar Method – After resting my knee for three days and not feeling much pain, I took it eas(ier) with a Level 1 class. My knee felt fine and I made sure to stop if anything made my knee feel funky.

Tuesday – Mixed Class – Bar Method – Another challenging class as usual, but I had to ask Kate A and Kate G for modifications since my knee felt some discomfort (as usual) during Standing Seat.

Wednesday – Rest day

Thursday – Rest day – I was in the kitchen for what felt like all day cooking, so I wasn’t able to find time to escape to class. Booo…

Friday – Mixed class – Bar Method – Ate wayyy too much the day before, and needed an extra hard class like Kate G’s to work off all that stuffing and pie.

Saturday – Mixed class – Bar Method – I took this class with Jenna N and I (almost) forgot how hard of a teacher she is. Seriously, she makes plank feel like it’s never going to end…Thankfully, I love it?! Maybe?

Sunday – Rest day – Today when I woke up, I happened to press around to check on my knee and it hurt as if there was a bruise on it, just without there actually being a bruise. Totally, a RED FLAG for me. And after a bunch of WedMD-ing, this probably means I should take the next week off (if not longer) from Bar Method to rest my knee. I am super bummed…and hope I don’t have to see a doctor.

How was your holiday?